The Satchel Blog

Guest Blog Teaching Teaching Crisis
20 Nov 2014

Life as a Teacher: Overworked and Undervalued

With the 2012 GCSE marking fiasco, and again recently in Dr Rory Fox's

Author: Rhys Giles

Homework Blog Online E Learning
06 Nov 2014 | Read time 3 mins

How to Adapt Learning Materials for Online Use

As an infinite universe of information, the internet is a pretty good place to find educational resources. ...

Author: Louise Raw

Classroom Technology Blog
15 May 2014

Pros and Cons of Using Smart Phones in the Classroom

For years, the smart phone’s prevalence in our lives has increased so dramatically, that it’s existence in the classroom is now practically ubiquitous. However, whether ...

Author: Louise Raw

GCSE Ofqual Grading Blog
24 Apr 2014

Understanding Ofqual's GCSE Numerical Grade Scheme

Ofqual have really shaken things up with their new grading system by changing the grades from ABC to 987... What are your thoughts?

Author: Louise Raw

well-balanced education Education Blog Gender Equality
28 Nov 2013

Rethinking Stereotypes and Gender Norms in Education

What many perceive to be nothing more than a social construction, gender norms undoubtedly penetrate every aspect of our lives, from wearing pink or blue as a baby, ...

Author: Louise Raw

Cyber-bullying Bullying Articles Blog
20 Nov 2013

Cyber Bullying and the Social Media Facade...

As smart devices and social media evolves, so does bullying. So what can we do about it? Now at the heart of Anti-Bullying Week, a campaign running from throughout ...

Author: Louise Raw

Autonomy Autonomous Learning News Articles Blog
14 Nov 2013

Autonomous Learning in the Classroom - Giving Students the Reins

Teaching is hard. In case keeping 30 kids focussed for 60 minutes wasn’t ...

Author: Louise Raw

Technology Parents Homework Students Blog
21 Jul 2013

10 Times Homework Doesn’t Work

Regardless of the worth of homework, there are certain situations ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Homework Parental Engagement
14 Jun 2013

How to Get Parents Involved with Homework

How parents handle helping their children with homework, can reinforce how much of a positive value and that education is important. It can build a stronger bond between ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Blog homework benefits
12 Jun 2013

The Pros & Cons of Homework for Teachers

Homework impacts three types of people in a school: teachers, students and parents. There are pros and cons for all three of these stakeholders, as every one of them has ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Homework Excuses Students Blog
09 Jun 2013

10 Real Reasons Students Aren't Doing Their Homework

Remember when you were at school and hadn't done your homework? What excuse did you come up ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Tips & Tricks Homework Blog
30 Apr 2013

5 Tips for Setting an Engaging Piece of Homework

Setting homework isn't easy; it has to be engaging & worthwhile. Teachers need to keep a number of things in mind when creating and setting a task at home. How ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Classroom Management
26 Apr 2013

The Pros and Cons of Using YouTube in the Classroom

YouTube in the classroom: can it be used as an engaging teaching and learning tool? Or is it a nothing more than a distraction?

Author: Naimish Gohil

Homework Blog Parental Engagement Conversation
19 Mar 2013

A Homework Conversation Between a Mum & Son

A couple of days ago, I was on the train heading home when I overheard a mother talking to her son...

Author: Naimish Gohil