Author: Bethany Spencer
Posted: 30 Nov 2018
Estimated time to read: 3 mins
Looking after your teachers’ wellbeing is one of the most important things you can do as a school leader. The success of your school is dependent on the quality of instruction delivered by your teachers to your students; their wellbeing is crucial to ensuring that their teaching skills are effective and of a high quality.
Impact of stress on teachers
Poor teacher wellbeing is closely linked to stress at work - at present 67% of education professionals describe themselves as stressed, and this can have major effects on teacher health and student outcomes.
If teachers are experiencing high levels of stress, their ability to control a classroom and provide a thought-provoking and challenging lesson to students is minimised. The effects of stress impact anyone’s ability to perform to the best of their ability, yet when a teacher's role is to help others achieve their best, the consequences of stress at work are higher.
Symptoms of stress include but are not limited to:
Trouble sleeping
Difficulty concentrating
Ways to counteract stress:
Regular physical activity
Keeping time for yourself and hobbies
Relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga
Spending time with friends and family
Taking time off or a holiday
There are tactics teachers can undertake to combat stress, however if these aren’t undertaken and teachers are continually being exposed to repeated high levels of stress, this can lead to sick days and prolonged periods of time off work in a bid to recover.
Download our effective wellbeing guide to discover ways in which you can encourage positive wellbeing and help counteract some of the symptoms of stress experienced by teachers:
Impact of sickness on learning
Teacher absence has greater consequences than just affecting student progression as an actual cost is attributed to sick teachers who are either off work or quit from a result of their health pressures. At present, the average school spends £58,699 on supply teachers a year, an expense many schools can ill afford when budget constraints are a constant worry.
The implications on teaching and learning incurred by supply teachers are also costly - supply teachers lack personal relationships with students and as a result don’t know the best ways to approach teaching. As well as this, they rarely have the time to get to know their students and when they are called in for last-minute cover, they aren’t as equipped to deliver the lesson and deliver less challenging work.
What can be done?
Fortunately, poor teacher wellbeing can be reduced and there are practices that can be implemented to improve existing poor wellbeing. In the Education Support Partnership’s recent Wellbeing Index they found that 74% of teaching staff said they didn’t have enough guidance on mental health at work, whereas an additional 64% of educational institutes admitted to not regularly surveying staff wellbeing.
Conducting staff surveys with regard to wellbeing will help to paint a picture of the general feeling of the staff body and provide you with ideas on how you can improve their happiness and in turn promote a positive school culture. Furthermore, providing your staff with clear guidelines on how they can practice good wellbeing, and communicating to them what to do when they are struggling will assist in emphasising the importance of wellbeing.
The costs attributed to poor teacher wellbeing are huge - it impacts your budget, other members of staff, as well as your students. Implementing initiatives that focus on improving your school's culture and staff happiness will help to improve teacher wellbeing and as a result, you’ll be able to reduce your spend on supply teachers, recruitment costs and your students’ academic progression won’t be compromised.