Author: Bethany Spencer
Posted: 07 Mar 2018
Estimated time to read: 2 mins
Homework has more of an impact on students than just helping improve their academic achievement. Studies have shown that regular homework can improve a multitude of life skills, from organisational skills to indiviual learning processes.
Students who regularly complete homework have been found to outperform those who don't. But the benefits go far beyond the academic realms. In fact there are numberous studies that suggest students can benefits in numerous other ways A 2001 study by Epstein & Van Voorhis found that homework could in be grouped into 10 broader purposes, as opposed to just improving student learning outcomes.
The 10 Benefits of Homework
1. Practice
Homework is a good chance to practice what has been learnt at school. Lesson time is limited and rarely provides enough time for students to fully explore a topic.
2. Participation
Encouraging students to get involved in work outside of school and the importance of taking part in activities
3. Preparation
Preparing students for work to come and allowing them to prepare ahead of the lesson
4. Personal development
The completion of homework helps students to develop their independence, timekeeping and show them the importance of good work ethic
5. Parent-child relationships
The completion of work at home helps parents and children to bond and develop their relationship through home-learning support
6. Parent-teacher communication
Homework acts as the bridge between home and school, the setting of homework and parents being aware of when it’s set helps to improve communication between home and school
7. Peer interactions
When students are set group assignments as homework it encourages them to interact with their peers and work together
8. Policy
Homework set is inline with the school’s policy ensuring students aren’t overburdened with work and teachers set work in adherence to this policy
9. Public relations
The ability to keep parents informed about what’s going on in schools and current practices
10. Punishment
Reinforces the importance of completing tasks if consequences are implemented for when homework isn’t handed in on time