The Satchel Blog

Revision Students Guide Study Students & Parents Student Engagement Student Independence Student & Parent Resources
04 May 2017

5 Key Student Study Habits

Good study habits are important for being a successful learner‭. ‬They help with motivation‭, ‬focus‭, ‬organisation‭, ‬time management‭ ‬and retention‭. ‬Just like learning ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Teachers Blog Guide Parental Engagement Parent-teacher Relationships Teacher Resources
04 May 2017

How to Encourage Positive Parent Teacher Relationships

Building relationships with your students’‭ ‬parents lays the foundation for a successful home-school partnership‭. ‬By interacting with parents ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Raising Standards Teacher Resources
04 May 2017

A Teacher's Introduction to Social Media

To help you understand‭ ‬how you can use social media in the classroom‭, ‬we’ve written a guide‭ ‬explaining‭ ‬how you can introduce it into your class so you and your students ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Saving Time SLT Teachers Marking Blog Guide Teacher Resources SLT Resources Assessment
04 May 2017

Time-Saving Guide for Marking

Marking students’‭ ‬work and providing them with feedback to relay to them how they are performing is crucial to their own personal ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Saving Time Teachers Time Management Guide Time-saving Teacher Resources
04 May 2017

10 Time-Saving Teacher Hacks

Time constraints are a feature of most people’s day-to-day lives‭, ‬whether that be on a personal or professional level‭. ‬We can all benefit ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Parents Students Blog Guide Parental Engagement Students & Parents Student & Parent Resources
04 May 2017

Parents Guide to Surviving Parents' Evening 

Parents’‭ ‬evening can be a stressful event for teachers and parents alike‭. ‬According to a survey of 2,000‭ ‬school parents in the UK‭, ‬55%‭ ‬felt they came away from ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Teachers Students Blog Guide STEM Tech Girls Network Managers Teacher Resources Network Manager Resources
04 May 2017

The Importance of Getting Girls into Tech

We are more connected than ever thanks to the likes of Facebook and Skype‭, ‬and continue to develop ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

SLT Homework Blog Guide Tracking & Monitoring Quality Assurance SLT Resources
04 May 2017

How Quality Assuring Homework Improves Education

When setting homework‭, ‬you want to make sure the tasks you are setting are of a

Author: Bethany Spencer

Sharing Best Practice
26 Apr 2017

Sharing Best Practice in Teaching

Sharing best practice in teaching should be integral to the role, after all teaching is a collaborative process - helping our colleagues and sharing what we know works can help ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Super Union Teaching Crisis
13 Apr 2017

Why We Need to Pay Attention to Our Teachers

It’s not unusual to hear about the hours teachers are working or the recruitment crisis. These issues have been going on so long that they’ve become what some might say ‘old ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Collaboration
06 Apr 2017

Top 3 Collaborators in Edtech

Collaboration is a powerful practice that helps us grow, be that personally, professionally or emotionally. Within education and edtech the ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Leadership Guest Blog Outstanding Senior Leaders
01 Apr 2017

Rob Ford: "A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilful Sailor"

This week's guest blog is written by Rob Ford, Principal of Wyedean School.

Author: Rob Ford

Exams Blog Mental Health SATs
31 Mar 2017

Mental Wellbeing During Exams & Year 6 SATs is Important

Mental health worries amongst students is a topic we’re familiar with. As the stigma surrounding mental health is slowly chipped away at, we’re ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Praise Blog
17 Mar 2017

How to Harness the Power of Praise

Praise makes us feel good. Fact. Receiving praise releases dopamine - the neurotransmitter that drives our brain’s reward system. Dopamine ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Praise Feedback Marking Blog Assessment
09 Mar 2017

The Importance of Timely and Effective Feedback

Marking, although time consuming, is paramount to students’ progression. It is considered by Ofsted as instrumental to the quality of teaching ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog International Learning Global Learning Global Education
27 Jan 2017

Global Learning in the 21st Century

This week sees our second guest blog from Rob Ford, Principal of Wyedean School. Rob has been a senior leader in various state and independent schools and has a background in ...

Author: Rob Ford

Show My Homework Blog satchel
05 Jan 2017

Hello, Team Satchel

So, you may have noticed a few changes to Show My Homework recently. The reason for this is because ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Homework Blog Homework Debate
14 Nov 2016

Why Homework is Worthwhile

Yet again, we find ourselves in another heated homework debate. It’s almost impossible to scroll ...

Author: Naimish Gohil