The Satchel Blog

Homework Blog
05 Mar 2018

The 5 Metrics You Need to Know for Tracking Effective Homework

As a teacher, setting effective homework is only half the battle, getting your ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Homework Blog
05 Mar 2018

What Makes a Good Piece of Homework?

The completion of homework has long been linked to higher academic achievement in secondary ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Education Reform Damian Hinds Education Secretary
23 Jan 2018

Who is Damian Hinds?

One of the changes that the Prime Minister managed to make during her recent cabinet reshuffle was the role ...

Author: Rhys Giles

Homework Blog
15 Jan 2018

Homework is a Global Issue

Homework is a universal concept that transcends countries and languages - regardless of ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Blog Guest Blog Lesson Plans
22 Nov 2017

The Perfect Lesson Plan

This week Steven Miles, Headteacher of Daubeney Academy in Bedford, shared with us his insight into what goes into making the perfect lesson plan. Having years of experience ...

Author: Steven Miles

Blog Lesson Plans
21 Nov 2017

What Makes an Outstanding Lesson?

There isn’t one sure fire way to deliver the perfect lesson because there are, of course, extraneous variables that will mean each and every lesson you give is different.

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Internet Access
09 Nov 2017

Students & Technology - Internet Access and Dependency

We’ve been talking a lot about the internet this week, the power of it, the scale of it and what the impact would be if we didn’t have access to it.

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Teacher Wellbeing
19 Oct 2017

Focus on Teacher Wellbeing to Improve Retention in Schools

Author: Naimish Gohil

Blog STEM Girls in STEM
05 Oct 2017

Inspiring Girls to Pursue Careers in STEM

For centuries there have been assumptions about a man’s place and a woman’s place in the world - over time we’ve broken down these barriers and today we’re the most integrated ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Guest Blog Education Technolgy Technology in the classroom Strategy
29 Sep 2017

Technology as an Accelerator for Teaching & Learning

In the world we live in today, we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to new technology and innovations. On what seems like a daily basis, there are new developments of apps and ...

Author: José Picardo

Blog PTA
19 Sep 2017

Ideas for Your Next PTA Fundraising Event

Whatever the cause you’re raising money for, the key to a good fundraiser is to make it fun. Here are just a few ideas that you and your

Author: Bethany Spencer

Grading Marking Blog Progress 8 Attainment 8 Education Reform Assessment Attainment 8 and Progress 8
06 Sep 2017

The Pros and Cons of Progress 8 and Attainment 8

The academic year of 2016/2017 was the first in which Progress 8 and Attainment 8 were introduced to ensure all students were studying a broad and balanced curriculum.

Author: Bethany Spencer

Blog Mental Health
19 Jul 2017

When Does Technology Become a Hindrance in Schools?

We live in a world that’s filled with technology and the millennial youth of today are more technologically inclined than we'll ever likely experience.

Author: Naimish Gohil

Teachers Blog
21 Jun 2017

10 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Teachers

For some celebrities it seems as though teaching was a stepping stone in their career to stardom, with many of ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Benefits of Homework Homework Blog Homework Debate
15 May 2017

Research into the Importance of Homework

Homework as a concept has been around for hundreds of years, and today is considered the norm for modern schools. At secondary level, schools ...

Author: Bethany Spencer

Parents Evening Blog Guide Parental Engagement Teacher Resources Student & Parent Resources
10 May 2017

Parents' Evening Survival Guide

Whether you're a teacher, student or parent - Parents' Evening is an important event in the school calendar. It's an opportunity for parents to sit ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Blog Guide Raising Standards SLT Resources
10 May 2017

How to Write the Perfect Homework Policy

Homework is an integral part to the learning process and as such, each school should have a ...

Author: Naimish Gohil

Blog Parental Engagement Parental Involvement
10 May 2017

Why PTA Meetings are Important to You and Your School

Parent Teacher Associations‭ (‬PTAs‭) ‬are a common practice in most schools‭, ‬but more often than not‭, ‬they aren’t celebrated or their benefits highlighted‭. ‬PTAs are a ...

Author: Bethany Spencer